The challenge
The profession of Radiography is facing the dual challenge of a shortage of people entering the profession, allied with increased demand and increasingly complex work. For many this combination of challenging targets and staff shortages means that day-to-day work feels more like crisis management, and is therefore not particularly satisfying. CoCreate was asked to design a development programme that equipped people with the confidence to lead in challenging situations, whilst re-energising them to meet the challenges ahead.
The programme
We wanted to design a programme that gave the group the confidence to solve their own problems, whilst strengthening relationships and creating peer support networks.
Our programme therefore focused on building the technical skills of coaching, the mindset to pause and ask powerful questions that moved people forwards, and stronger relationship networks that enabled people to lean in and support one another more effectively.
Thank you for delivering a great session. Internal feedback about the workshop has been extremely positive, so our sincere thanks to you and your team for your excellent preparations, communications and delivery of content.
Dr Rachel Harris – Professional and Education, The College of Radiographers