The challenge
As the Trainline growth continues rapidly towards the £1bn mark, CoCreate was engaged to design an off-site that built trust and created alignment across the Executive Team.
The programme
We started by interviewing each member of the team to understand what mattered most to them, and the barriers they encountered in working together.
Working with our exceptional partner Threshold Sports (think Comic Relief Team Kilimanjaro 2019) we took the team to a remote corner of the Lake District. Sharing the analysis from the pre-event interviews, we gained buy-in from the group by co-creating a vision of success. We journeyed towards a mountain hut for the night, using the space to reconnect with personal values and motivations.
Sharing these deeply personal perspectives on personal values and how these are lived out each day built the trust needed for the team to have transformative conversations with one another.
The result was a powerful shared experience out of which emerged a closer, more human connection to one another and a deeper sense of purpose for the team.
In my 20 years of working, this is the standout best event I have ever done with a team. You have definitely helped us go a level deeper in understanding ourselves and each other. I think this will prove to be a pivotal moment for us. That’s a lot to achieve in just two days!
Clare Gilmartin – Chief Executive Officer, Trainline